Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Crazy Complainer

So lately I've been needing a radical change mainly in appearance, I feel. I think the thing that got me on the need for a change was seeing my very pretty single friends and going, wow I really don't even try anymore. My hairs in the ugly, always in a pony stage and I cant deal with it, I want it to be Baywatch long and then I want it to be short with much personality. Jared hates when I wear my extensions and they are some work but do give me a boost. And Jared would not be happy if I chopped it off again. But its sooo damn ugly -(sorry couldn't resist). Why cant there be way cute in between hair? why does the middle stage make you want to crawl in a hole and not come out till spring? (ps if you have middle hair and love it I'm not dogging you just envying your happiness). So that's the hair problem, next is the "no boob saggy ugliness" problem, not a big deal if your never naked... but I'm young and have the desire to be naked more often than my "had a baby body" should be. Its not something that I should let bug me cuz I'm a runner and breasts are very ridiculous items to run with, but someone I know points them out and isn't a fan. If the next time you see me I'm not looking quite the same, you'll know why. If I am the same, you'll know why I'm annoyed. lol. Right now I'm debating if i want to publish this.... hmmm. I will. If you hate it let me know and I'll delete it. If you have tips or suggestions, let me know too, I'll take what I can get.


Annie said...

I can totally relate with this post! My hair is in the same yucky in between stage and I go back and forth between just wanting to chop it off so it looks half decent or continuing to have it be ugly so I can have long beautiful hair (one day). Also, I agree...having kids definitely does funky things to your body. Good thing it's worth it, huh? Good luck! Let me know if you find a solution for the hair problem! :)

Ashlee said...

Next time your hubby wants a new gadget, tell him to put the money in the Zjani's-new-boobs fund. That's my suggestion.

Bonnie said...

the middle stage so sucks...i haven't had a trim in forever, i am just lazy and afraid if i come to your house for one i would just say to cut it off. shawn wants me to grow it out like it was before we were married. he said i 'looked' so pretty, now i just look ugly i guess. aaaahhhhhh.....i am in the same boat you are my friend. as for the boobs, just be thankful they are not ginormous!! and tell jared to ease up, he's got to be thankful to have you!