Friday, July 25, 2008

Marriage Tag

“Marriage” Tag--to be completed about my husband

•What is his name? Jared on good days
•How long have you been together? 3 yrs and 4 birthdays
•How long did you date? 6 months
•How old is he? 30
•Who said I love you first? Jared
•Who is taller? Jared
•Who sings better? we both sing but i sing better :o
•Who is smarter? it depends on what were talking about
•Whose temper is worse? Jared
•Who does the laundry? Me
•Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Jared
•Who pays the bills? Jared
•Who mows the lawn? Me most of the time cuz I have little patience for things I can do
•Who does the dishes? both but jared will tell you he does them all the time (he really has no idea)
•Who cooks dinner? me always unless we eat out
•Who drives when you are together? at 5:00 a.m. me, any other time Jared
•Who is more stubborn? Me
•Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Jared (i'm never wrong :)
•Who kissed who first? it was mutual
•Who proposed? Jared
•Who is more sensitive? Me
•Who has more friends? we probably have the same friends too
•Who wears the pants in the family? I shouldn't but what do you think?

I tag Carrie

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