Wednesday, July 23, 2008

September Tri

Its official I'm going to compete in my first Triathlon Saturday September 13th in the Ogden Valley Triathlon. I just paid the 75 dollar registration fee and I cant back out. It is a longer distance than most sprint tri's so instead of swimming 750 meters i'll be swimming 1000 meters biking 15. something miles and running 4 miles. (the normal biking is 14 miles and the normal running is 3.1 miles.) I'm going to purchase a wetsuit which will hopefully make the swim not so freak'n cold. This triathlon is the first equalizer tri which means that they are going to take the times from the other tri's in Utah and make it so that the men and women will be coming in at the same time, rather than men getting in and then hrs later women coming in (cuz were just not as fast). My friends husband, Jake is fixing my pathetic mountain bike so i hopefully wont be so slow. I was convinced that I was the worlds worst biker until me and my training partner Cassie switched bikes and it turns out I just have a really lousy bike. If you'd like to come watch, I'd love to have you there, I'm not sure how fun it would be to watch but they will be having live music, the Taste of Ogden Valley and activities for children during the race so it might be fun. (mark your calenders its pretty far away still). The race starts at 10 am. Hey if you want to tri there is still time come tri with me and Cassie!

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