Sunday, July 3, 2011

Journal post

Its Sunday night and I'm finding myself trying to organize my thoughts about life and where I'm headed, and instead of being a normal person and writing it all down in a journal I'm typing it out here. Being as it doesn't involve anyone but me it's perfectly fine (under my own standards) if I post about it. We recently got to replace our van with a newer more expensive van, and are no longer debt free, but hey we've got a working car! The truck is currently parked at my parents because it broke down on the way there :(. Eventually we'll get it fixed and have 2 working cars!! Its amazing how blessed being absolutely normal really is. Jared is doing well at his new job in North Salt Lake, and so far we've come up with a tentative plan to live here for a year to test out the new job's stability and if all goes well then in a year we will sell our home and move closer to North Salt Lake. One of my closest friends and best running partner is moving far away in the coming weeks and I feel super sad about it all, but am so happy that everything is working out as planned for her cute little family. I will have to find a new running partner and confidant or I may go crazy... so, so, sad. I like the idea of moving myself, I'm pretty restless and pretty soon I'll have all the projects done in my home that I care to do and will need a new project. I should just start drawing or painting again, its just hard to find the time or space.. alone space. I've got one more semester (its seems) of school and I'm dreading the thought of math 1050, people pass it right? The other classes I'm praying will be a breeze, we'll see. Hey my birthday is coming up! I'll be a big 25 years.. ugh that seems old... what do people do when their 25? ... I guess I'm already doing it. Jared and I talked about how many kids were having on our little day trip today, he's still stuck on four.. tops.. I told him we will need a bigger vehicle when we come across 5 :), he said the only way were having 5 is if I were to have triplets, poor boy doesn't know that I may push him past 6, bigger is better right? heck yes. There is just something about seeing a family of 14 kids interact when they've all grown up, that makes you wish you were a part of something big.


Jeremy and Brigitte said...

Thats so funny. I'm a 4 tops person myself :) Then Again I started having children at age 26. I'm turning 30 this year and still only have one child so 4 would probably be all we were capable of anyway. My family only has three and I still love the way we all interact. I know families with tons of kids who have horrible relationships and families with small amounts of kids with horrible relationships. And I also know the opposite. I think that comes from the happiness in the home and how you are raised not necessarily the amount of children you have.

z&jarnold said...

I definately agree about the happiness in the home making the difference not the number of children, people (with the choice) should have what they are personally able to handle. I love the friendships and support I've witnessed in my own mothers family, which isn't always the rule with any size family... its how they were raised to be by good parents. And I love the idea of having family everywhere.