Tuesday, July 1, 2008

4 things tag

4 places i go to over and over
1. Walmart
2. Ogden Parkway- i've been training with cassie for a tri in september, dedicated people are getting familiar.
3. My garden in my backyard- its not much but i love seeing it grow
4. ksl.com- i couldn't think of a real place, i need to get out more obviously

4 places i like to eat
1. Olive Garden
2. Carls Jr- best shakes ever
3. Wendy's- Cheap and Delicious
4. Tepenyaki- Expensive and Delicious

4 places i'd like to be right now
1. My Families Cabin in West Yellowstone (i'll be there tomorrow!)
2. I should be in bed, its soo hot though
3. on my front porch chillin in my extra special lawn furniture, but there are crazy jobless people across the street that sit outside all day long and i cant handle being stared at. (i just realized that i could be considered crazy and jobless but i dont do drugs and yell at my d@mn dog that runs wild and trips people who are running home) (ps i'm pretty sure they will never move because our tax dollars are for sure paying for them to sit outside all day and smoke and invite other crazy people in our neighborhood over to their possy)
4. At a movie. (i'm pretty easy to please huh?)

4 tv shows i like
1. Bones
2. the office
3. my name is earl
4. Malcolm in the middle ( i know its probably not on anymore except in re runs but i still like it)

4 books i've enjoyed
1. strangling your husband is not an option
2. Gone with the wind
3. the long walk
4. the BOM

4 people to tag and respond
1. bonnet
2. hollie
3. erin
4. the crazy old lady who lives across the street from me.

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