Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Its a BOY!

I found out yesterday that we will be having a boy this coming August! I've been dieing to create something special for this baby, but I've been waiting to see what I'm having so it can be personalized accordingly. Thanks to pinterest I'll be stealing an idea for his blanket from, she made an adorable minky blanket from large flannel shirts and some cream minky fabric. I ordered everything I need online from, the minky material was the most costly but it was only $12 something a yard instead of $20, and they had a great selection of minky fabrics so if your looking for minky I would check them out. I ended up spending a little over $36 dollars so I wouldn't have to cough up shipping, but I also ordered some adorable fabric for a spring dress for Makayla. Its not super cheap, but it beats the $70 order for an infant blanket at a minky culture.
This is the fabric for Makaylas dress in case you weren't aware :)


Jess and Kip said...

Congrats! That is so exciting. The blanket and dress will be adorable. You are so crafty and I can't wait to see what they look like when you are done. So make sure you post some pics. Ha ha.

Kaylee said...

Zjani! I saw your blog on Jenna's and was so excited to see that you're expecting--and a boy--congrats!! And you're selling your house! Lots of big changes at your house! Email me and I'll invite you to our blog! (

jbroclayto said...

YAY YAY YAY! So excited for you! You crafty little momma you!