Saturday, February 25, 2012

Honey where are you?

At about tuesday in the week I look forward to the weekend when the parental demands get to be broken up between two adults. This weekend I feel like I'm running a marathon, Jared went to see a fight down in Orem yesterday right after work, which he doesn't get out much so I really don't feel to bad about not seeing him at all yesterday. But its an extended vacation away because at about 12:30 last night he called to say that the truck him and a buddy were riding in died in Draper, and they would have to wait till morning to see if they could figure out the problem when the auto stores are open. BUMMER! So last night the kids made sure i wasn't lonely and joined me in the early hours of the day for a sparce nights sleep in a queen bed. Someone needs to teach them that its illegal to wake up at 8 on saturday morning, nine would be nicer but ten makes for a better rested mom. Were all out of dish detergent and milk and I really don't want to take two kids to the grocery store for these things, Jared was suppost to be home so I wouldn't need to. If I'm lucky I'll get to see Jared around noon today. I need to get out, I miss my running and biking and swimming, its just so cotton picking hard with two kids to do these things, especially when Jared is never here. Gonna try not to loose it today, good luck to me.


Nathan said...

I decided its ok to lose it somedays. You are so patient. I have lost it this morning and its better to get out then to hold it in. but don't worry I haven't let it out on anyone. I locked myself in my room and had piece and quiet! Sounds like a crazy few days though1 i hope it turns out way awesome!! Seriously!

Nathan said...

Um... why does it say nathan? Thats weird. Its defintiely Jenna here!

z&jarnold said...

haha, I was like who is Nathan? thanks for clearing that up, I would have racked my pregnant brain all day to figure it out!