Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cache Valley Triathlon

June 12th is my first triathlon of 2010 and i'm pretty excited about it. I really enjoyed the variety of stuff to train for... not that i don't enjoy running but honestly this is more fun, plus it works muscles that i don't use when i just run. I'm gonna be doing the sprint version which is a 750 meter swim, 12.4 mile bike, and a 5k run, which makes this tri shorter than the first one i did so i'm hoping to knock off some time. I've been slacking with the posts because i haven't had the time to do them, but to update you I'll post a list of the things I've accomplished lately
- moved the dog house to the corner of the backyard
- started my warm weather seeds inside, transplanted the tomatoes into Dixie cups (I've got like 12 tomato plants, what the h was i thinking?)
- made makayla an Easter dress which she wants to wear everyday so i hid it also. (i'll post some pics someday) it was a fun project.
- planted my cool weather veggies outside and now i'm waiting for them to come out of the ground.
-mod podged some letters cut from cardboard to spell my kids names above their beds (not perfect but i like them)

so ya that's whats going on, and i really should get to bed cuz i'm apparently going to teach/talk at my little bro's adult roles class tomorrow about marriage (those poor kids)

1 comment:

Kyle, Cassie and Kids said...

You are so great! I can't wait to see pics so post them soon! Good Luck on your triathlon!