Friday, November 21, 2008

blustery day

this is a picture of our shed upside down on the neighbors fence. this is what the wind did yesterday. everything is in its same place it was when it was under the shed. our dog got out and probably terrorized the kids walking to school, then she came back and i was like "how did you get out?" so with alot of luring and trickery i was able to get a hold of her and put her in her kennel. Jared was sure to "tell me so" he hated the shed from the beginning but i got an awesome deal on it and wanted a shed so all of our crap didn't have to be indoors or ruined outside, you know. he had told me that the first big wind storm we got would blow it away, well it wasn't the first one, but yesterday we had a real big one. don't worry the shed is okay just banged up, we screwed it to the plywood floor and put some heavy cement stuff in the corners so i'm thinking it will be grounded from here on out. we lifted up the fence last night and jimmy rigged it to stay up. It was leaning before it was knocked down and the wood is really soft and rotting but i still didn't want to pay for a new fence. So it turns out the only good thing about Thursdays is My name is Earl and The Office.


Jess and Kip said...

That is crazy and I heard the wind was really bad yesterday! I didn't know you were an office fan, we LOVE that show! It's so freakin funny!

Bonnie said...

that kind of sucks..i didn't even notice any wind yesterday, i was in doors most of the time,but even when i was outside there was nothing. too bad that happened, at least there's not that much damage. oh, yes we got the stupid truck at ken garff...i know, i know, we are doomed.

KiMbErLy~eRiN said...

Dang it got your shed!! funny how evrything is still in the same spot... No we called the ins company because when we bought the house the awning was torn off so we replaced it then and now there is too much damage to do it again and our roof has a whole spot of shingles missing so i hope they fix that too. my neighbor did get his fence back up though!