Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Time to drown my sorrows

Robert Montgomery is a prick. He was the one who called the animal control for both of my stupid tickets, and although they were able to ignore the second ticket, I got to pay $85 in court today for the stupid first one. I have such little faith in this judicial system, they don't care about what happened, all they want is for you to pay your huge fine for the pathetic ticket and move on to the next person. So I will be drowning my sorrows in chocolate and shopping tonight, we did get our tax return and since I never really feel like I can purchase $85 dollars of things I or my family needs but yet I can drop $85 on a fine after dropping $50 to license a pet, $13 dollars and stress in getting her a rabies shot. I need to run away.


JeNnA said...

Go shopping. Get something fun! Is this guy from the ward.... I don't know him. Sorry that you have awesome neighbors. I sure dunno what i would do.

z&jarnold said...

He's not a guy from the ward, just a drunk guy from pearwoods townhomes, from what i've heard he isn't a likeable man (big suprise). I did go shopping though and I got the cutest patio furniature!