I never realized before I had children what incredible characteristics each individual has. I may have taken note that not all kids in the same family act the same but I still assumed that when your raised by certain adults you take on their mannerisms and way of being. Then I became a parent, after several years of bringing up children I came to the conclusion that every child's spirit is so completely their own. The three kids I have are not carbon copies of myself or Jared, in fact if you were just to observe how they are without looking at them you wouldn't put them in the same family category or match them up with us. I parented each of my infants nearly the same but yet I had three different sleepers, two cuddly babies and one who needed distance and more evidence that no matter what I did that baby was going to march to the beat of its own drum. Its fascinating and completely terrifying all at once. I love seeing their specific interests in life, and what motivates them to be happy. I also realize that how I raise one child may not be effective in raising my others.
When your young and to be honest fairly stupid its easy to find the fault in others parenting skills, I know a whole lot of "I would never's" and "My children will never's" crossed my mind and probably my lips when I was young and didn't have a clue. I've learned since that you just don't allow those thoughts to cross your mind because most of the time I've had a chance to eat those words or clearly see what someone else was dealing with.
In a manual I was reading the other night I came across several parenting tips that I know would help in my own parenting of my very different children. One suggestion is to get to know each child individually, a helpful idea was to help young children with their personal prayers at night. If you ever wanted to know what is on my sons mind just ask him to say the prayer and you'll have a pretty open window to his thoughts. That wont always be the case but it would help for me to take the time each night to help my children with their individual prayers and also spend 5 minutes or so talking with them about their day or thoughts. Its hard when I just want everyone in bed because I am spent, but I know that the rewards of actually knowing my child will out way my impatience.
One profound quote that I read by Elder Boyd K. Packer on parenting with the help of heaven is-
"Once parents know that there is a God and that we are his children, they can face problems like this and win.
"If you are helpless, he is not.
"If you are lost, he is not.
"If you don't know what to do next, he knows.
"It would take a miracle, you say?
"Well, if it takes a miracle, why not"
(in Conference Report, Oct. 1970)
Ultimately it doesn't matter what parenting advice I read in books or online, each of my children require their own unique approach, its a matter of lovingly finding what works and when that fails ask the one who has all of the answers for help in raising His children.
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