Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Still Waiting

I've not posted for awhile just cuz everything changes every day, it seems and I really don't have much happy news and the bad news i feel is just getting old for people to hear. Maybe I'm just a fair weather friend to myself and after awhile I'm just like buck up nobody wants to hear your new sob story.

So for lighter news and really irrelevant facts today I did my own nails and they turned out really nice, it makes me feel less poor I suppose. I swam at the gym and had my face in the water most of the time, turns out that if I wear a swim cap it is so much easier to breath cuz my hair doesn't get in my face even though I look like a bald old man in a tankini when I wear it. I've been reading a book called "From Sea to Shining Sea" it is about the Clark family and the Lewis and Clark expidition, its by Alexander Thom he is an excellent auther and this is the third book of his that i've read. The book makes my everyday worries and troubles seem pretty lame in comparison to what life was like in a pre and after revolution America.

Makayla copies a lot of the words we say and will have a new buddy next Monday when I start watching a lady's baby from my ward, she is going back to work. I'm gonna be the queen of odd jobs but at least I'll be able to be home with Makayla and I cant put a price on that.

We've been so blessed to be able to make it this far with such little income I know that my Heavenly Father is taking care of us and we couldn't have made do without his help. I know what holds the highest value for me and you can't find it in stores. Things will work out and were building character and exercising our creativity until the storm subsides.


Melissa said...

My dear friend, just hang in there. I know it is hard. But this to shall pass.

Annie said...

I'm glad you guys are making it through. We went through a similar time, it was very hard. I watched kids, cleaned office buildings, anything I could find. We look back and wonder how we made ends meet. I hope things get better ASAP! Good luck! Again if you want info on the cleaning job I would be happy to give it!

Kevin and Cassie Cardon said...

Zjani you are such a positive person. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you guys out! Hang in there... Makayla is so cute and getting so big!