Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas day pics and an anniversary

We had left jareds camera at his parents home on christmas eve so in the morning we used a 1.3 mega pixel camera that could only take 12 pictures at a time for the event, I'm just happy some of them turned out and with alittle tweeking i was able to lighten them up cuz they were very dark.

Yesterday was mine and jareds 3 year Anniversary. We celebrated by going to church :). I made a nice dinner and we tried to keep warm in our cold house :) Today Jared is back at Fat Pipe down in Salt Lake. Its delightful to have the house to me and makayla for most of the day and to have him off making money. We'll see how everything turns out, he isn't getting paid what was before and we are still looking into him getting another part time job but for now this will suffice. We played games with friends on New Years, its been so long since we've hung out with anyone it was pleasent to be with fun company. I've heard that the first three years of marriage are the hardest so this last part of the third has been a *itch, its all been things out of our control not problems in the marriage, if anything the hard times help you grow closer and become more greatful for what you got or had. When drinking hawiian punch in your home is a luxury you know times are tuff :) . its sad to say but i'm so happy the holidays are over i think i would cry if i had to go through another one anytime soon. So thats the update!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Well it looks like you guys had a good christmas. That's good that Jared is with Fat pipe again, at least it's something. You should consider buying a "Snuggie" to stay warm, I don't know if you've seen them on tv, but it's a blanket with arms, we just ordered some. Sorry we didn't hang out new years eve, we ended up going to a movie with my bro in law and lighting fireworks. Anyway, talk to you later!