Thursday, January 31, 2013

Christmas and a Six month old

We dont know how to use the panorama correctly :)

look how awesome we are at getting a picture of all three kids. lol.

They've been rowing laundry boats for at least a year now, I thought I should take a pic before they determine its no longer fun.

My baby is six months today! It has truly flown by, babies grow up too fast. He is a pretty good sleeper for me, he usually goes to bed around 8:30-9 and then wakes up at 6 or 7 to eat, and if I'm lucky I can get him back to sleep again. He is a little mover, he currently army crawls pulling with his left arm while he tries to reach or grab things with his right. He sometimes rocks on his hands and knees and it wont be long till he is also crawling that way. When he is awake he is almost always moving, and if I were to guess he will be busier than his older brother who is extremely busy (heaven help me!). He has a much happier disposition than he started out with, but he is also a completely different individual than my last two. For the most part he is content with exploring the floor and loves his and Konnor's room upstairs with all the toys. I'm still wondering what his haircolor will be, he seems to have all sorts of colors growing out of his noggin so it should be calico... like a cat! I love him and the added craziness he brings to our household!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Good Neighbors

We've had a sick week, low grade fevers, ear infections for everyone 5 and under, coughs and runny noses/ head aches for everyone.
 Two Fridays ago is when Makayla started with the croupy cough and later that night she had a nice fever, that day Konnor was seen playing with the thermometer and it has been MIA ever since. I went to the neighbors to borrow their thermometer at around 9 or 10 pm and they were so nice to let us borrow it. A couple days later Konnor was doing the same thing as Makayla as far as cough and runny noses goes and then Makayla was crying because her ear hurt. That day Makayla and Konnor went to see the doctor (I guess it was a mad house, I sent Jared while I stayed home with the baby) we learned that Makayla did have an ear infection and Konnor had a double ear infection. They both tested negative for the flu thank goodness.
I was hoping to keep Beckam well, but he was the last to pick up the cough and runny nose. Really early this morning he woke up and his sad cry was one that was more of pain than need of attention. I gave him some Motrin and really tossed around the idea of waiting it out or taking him in, but when even a burp made him bawl I decided that it was better that we get him started on an antibiotic soon and give him real relief. So at the lovely hour of 4 am and the temperature of 5 degrees we went to the Brigham City E.R. Lucky for me it was a quiet morning in the E.R. and we were attended to quickly. Beckam was cheerful, (thanks to the Motrin) with the nurse and Dr and sure enough he did have an ear infection. We took the day off from church today, I wasn't feeling too bad but baby needed me home and I was in no way able to get ready for 9:00 church. Shortly before 9 I read that my friend's husband passed away in his sleep yesterday, and I have been broken hearted and weepy ever since. My kind neighbors not knowing the night, week, or day I've been having just brought over some biscuits and a ravioli soup; but that is just how they are, they are just like extended family who are cute with my kids and out in acts of service constantly. We had good neighbors in our old neighborhood too, neighbors that always seem to be about our Father's work, answering silent prayers and giving of their time and self.