This weekend Makayla and I went with my mom and uncle matt and my younger siblings to Idaho essencially for a "homecoming" for my Cousin Tyler Pond. It was mine and Makaylas first time away from Jared/Daddy ever, (since I was married). It was nice to get out of Ogden and visit with cousins and Aunts and Uncles but it would have been nice to have Jared with us too. Thursday and Friday were completely boring I stayed at my Aunt Camis veging out and watched a weeks worth of HGTV. Saturday was really the day that I've been needing, I went out shopping with My Cousins, Nikkie and Annie, and we just laughed the whole time and I'm sure if I tryed to explain what was so funny it really would be very inside so I wont. It was just great. Lately I feel so old and boring and going out with them was just like the old days when we'd laugh for hours and be really immature, I loved it! While we were out I bought a crazy colorful shirt that i'm sure you all will be seeing me in cuz its new. Oh ya I forgot, Saturday morning Me, mom and Aunt Cami went and ran in the first Annual Cancer Survivor Race in Downtown Idaho Falls, It was the windest d@mn day ever and my hands didnt thaw out until the last half of the race when I wasn't running against the wind. The course was really nice, it was a paved running trail the whole way and it went right by the Idaho falls temple and around the beautiful snake river falls. It is the first Saturday of June every year and if gas isnt too crazy I think you all should come up next year. It was 5.59 miles they said it was 5.25 but were very wrong. My time was pathetic but I was only worried about beating my mom and aunt, which I did. So the reason why I have a ? on the vacation part of my title is Saturday night I did 4 colors and 3 haircuts, with 1 style not including the haircut I did Saturday Day. I was really quite pooped when I finnished mainly because Makayla was so tired and sick of new people holding her, making me feel like a mean mom cuz all she needed was me. The next day she was very picky on who held her. Tyler did an excellent job on his talk and it makes me want to work harder on my spiritual growth and testimony. That pretty much sums it up!