Friday, January 23, 2009

just how life is

if we don't have all the luck i don't know who does (ha ha) Jared was let go again from his job in salt lake on Wednesday, i was okay until i found out that his brother had fixed our truck for $700 that same day and then i was very not okay. I probably would have still freaked out even if he did have a job and it cost that much. Still on February 9th he will start training for a job that he has been studying and testing for, so that will be good its just that it is like 3 weeks away. He just got home from an interview i guess it was straight commission and not worth the try but his brother called and said that the place he works had someone quit and they need someone to do grunt work so that is even better news. We might be able to fill in the gaps! I'm going to hand out cards at union station tomorrow for some guy and make $100 for 6 hrs work so that's not too shabby either. (wow that sounds like it could be sketchy huh? i promise its not). We'll make it, i hope you guys have better luck than us.


Kevin and Cassie Cardon said...

Zjani I'm really sorry to hear this not so good news. I know everything will work out for you guys. We'll keep you guys in our prayers!

KiMbErLy~eRiN said...

Yes we are hiring and they update the list at every friday.