Monday, January 19, 2009

the Attic

this is a picture of the ceiling the gray things are vents

I know you are all dieing to see pictures of my dusty messy attic so i decided today would be the best time to post them. Anyway yesterday was my first time venturing into the great unknown which is my attic, and if you know me you know i love a project. I've thought about how i would build stairs to access the attic for over a year and i have had most of it planned out before i even saw it. When i saw it yesterday i was way excited to see that it has plenty of standing room and lots of potential. It would make a great third bedroom or just a perfect bonus room for entertainment. The steps that we would have to take goes as follows..
1. have someone who knows what they are doing take a look at it and see if it can be done / make lots of money or budget a way to complete project pieces at a time
2. build stairs leading up to the attic so all of the tools and materials can easily be brought up.
3. clean up all of the mess in the attic/ design and blueprint the desired layout of space
4. lay 3/4 inch plywood flooring over whole space
5. build frame for both drywall and to support roof and remove beams that cut into the whole room
6. Have electrician wire for plugs and lighting and baseboard heater
7. insulate walls and ceiling
8. reinstall a new window
9. drywall / mud and tape / sand
10. build shelving/ window seat
11. carpet/ paint/ install fan
12. decorate and enjoy :)

view of the southwest corner and our crappy insulation

entrance into the space above our kitchen

the front of the house where there once was a very large window the old window is off leaning to the side


Bonnie said...

bob the builder is what i'm now going to call you. you are very creative and it seems like you want to get things done. good luck with it!!

Megan Passey said...

You are so motivated! That is awesome! I think your extra room is going to be amazing when you have it all done.