Friday, February 27, 2009

ZJ's 2009 Garden Project

Yesterday I built the base for my above ground garden. I'm not a very experienced gardener but i try and some day i will be a gardening genius. Until then i make it up as i go. Because money is scarce i used telephone poles that are already in my backyard to build the base where all the dirt will go in. If i had money i would certainly use railroad ties to build it cuz making squares stay on top of each other is way easier than making circles stay on top of each other. base pearl wanted to be in the picture
finished base the beginning of the compost, I've got a lot of work ahead of me.


Jess and Kip said...

You are so handy and creative! Good luck on your new garden this year!

Bonnie said...

geez, you are like a frieken martha stewart...why can't that rub off on me?? have fun with the garden, i hope lots and lots will grow!!

KiMbErLy~eRiN said...

there are places you can get free railroad ties they are just old ones that are a little beat up, ill ask my mom for sure just let me know if you are interested and good luck i'd love to try a garden if i had the time to maintain it