Monday, November 3, 2008


Jared sold the PS3, they didn't want rock band so were selling it for $100 on ksl. Hopefully we can stay on top of our finances cuz were running out of stuff to sell! lol. Anyway Halloween was fun, We did the regular stuff and Makayla went trick or treating with Jared. They didn't stay out long cuz Jared said Makayla was too heavy to carry for much longer. Jareds work had a little pot luck for Jareds team and family but me and Makayla were the only family that came to it (it was slightly awkward). I went to my parents ward party and decided to dress up last minute, so i was a Guitar hero. Here are some pics from the Holiday, Enjoy!


Bonnie said...

where are the pics of you?? makayla turned out to be such a cute dorothy!! hopefully you don't have to sell everything you own to afford in this stupid world we live in. i know how you feel about living on a tight budget, it will all come to pass ;)

Megan Passey said...

She looks way cute as Dorothy! So you went with being a rocker? what did Jared dress up as?

my word verification is "butalat" I don't know why but that makes me smile :-)